Broker of Record

My Experience

Real estate really wasn’t my first career choice when I began the journey of figuring out what I would become in life-in fact I really disliked salespeople. Looking back though, it seems that I’ve always been on this route but simply didn’t know it yet. It began in a small rural community west of KW where I attended high school, I made the decision to attend University of Western Ontario in London where I received an Honors Degree in Geography with emphasis on land use development and urban planning.

With that degree under my belt, I moved on to attend teacher’s college in Australia at the University of Wollongong. After completing the teaching program, I realized teaching jobs in Ontario are not as easy to come by as expected. This prompted my initial venture into real estate – my very first flip! After borrowing the down payment from our parents, a friend and I bought a house and we indeed flipped it, doing the majority of the work ourselves. While it did, in fact, provide a profit, with all the time we had invested it really wasn’t as lucrative as hoped. Don’t let those HGTV shows fool you!

I decided it would be wise to get my real estate license to give me an “insider edge” for more flips and also to help save on costs never expecting to actually sell. (remember I hated those guys) I quickly realized it is expensive to maintain a real estate license and needed to start selling in order to cover the ongoing costs. My non-salesy, educational grounded approach really resonated with clients and my real estate career took off. Now, after 10+ successful years as a Realtor, several rental properties and a few small developments, I am ready to embrace this next journey into management and to assist the next generation of realtors and continue to change the industry mindset.

My Approach

My approach is to be a hands-on manager with a heavy focus on training and education. I want to ensure agents are trained the “right way” to run their business by always having the client’s best interest in mind. Our office fosters open communication and dialogue amongst realtors, staff and brokers sharing real-world examples are some of the best ways to foster a sense of true understanding. Providing that open atmosphere also ensures agents are comfortable discussing any and all issues that they may come across.

I hope to break down the salesperson stereotypes in our industry and have the TrilliumWest Realtor seen as a trusted advisor and a true part of each client’s financial team.

My Difference

Trained to Become a Teacher
Before deciding that real estate was the route I wanted to follow in life, I had intended to become a high school teacher. The training and knowledge I was given in teacher’s college prepared me to excel in a management capacity. It has provided me with all the tools I need to prepare the next class of amazing realtors to come from TrilliumWest.

Construction & Investment Property Analysis
From my very first flip to the last 10 years I spent as a Realtor, I have been able to hone my knowledge and skill-set to better inform and educate both clients and fellow realtors to overcome and understand any issues they may come across whether it be questions around home construction, things to look out for, how to properly structure a deal, any and everything in between.

Being a husband to an amazing wife and father of 2 wonderful boys, I understand the importance of family and relationships and how to maintain and build on those existing and new relationships. This attitude has helped me tremendously when it comes to my business, building great relationships with clients and colleagues who value the importance of hard work but understand the need for balance.

Three Things to Know About Me

Adrenaline Junkie & Outdoor Enthusiast

I love speed! ATV's, Snowmobiling, Boating, Snowboarding, Wakeboarding and Surfing. If it's outdoors, challenging and fast, count me in! Unfortunately my two boys are following in Dad's footsteps- looks like a few broken bones and wrecked machines in my future.

Carny Blood

One of best backyard gamer's in the Region. Ringtoss, Beer Pong, Corn Hole you name it, the force is strong in this one. Many of my friends believe I come from a long lineage of "carny folk."

Passionate Golfer Mediocre Scorer

Golf is the most challenging game there is, one day you have it all together the next it's like it's your first time. The mental aspect is something that no other sport can compare with. It's so addictive, but don't confuse passion with ability. I am mediocre at best.

Curt Knight Broker of Record

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Shaykhan Dipraseuth