My Experience

I was born and raised in Muskoka before moving to Guelph to attend university pursuing a BComm major with a specialization in real estate and housing. I fell in love with Guelph and the surrounding Tri-city area of Cambridge, Kitchener, and Waterloo. These cities provided everything I needed; from large corporations, tech companies and a plethora of employers in every industry to parks and nature reserves, ski hills, restaurants, and plenty of clubs, bars, and pubs to enjoy the enticing nightlife.

I strongly believe in the values of equality, selflessness, and loving one’s neighbor. My parents raised me to respect my elders, mind my manners, and always be thankful for the food on my plate and the roof over my head. I take on many passions such as writing, public speaking, motivational tapes, and real estate investing. If I’m enjoying some down time, you’d find me reading or playing some John Mayer on my Maple and Rosewood Takamine.

I am a firm believer in the importance of home. Not in the sense of four walls and a roof, but the idea of having a safe space you can unwind in at the end of the day. Home was always the most important part of my life growing up because I struggled with stress and anxiety on a daily basis, home was the light in the darkness. A place where you can feel safe, relax on the couch, make memories with your family, and feel anchored by the comfort your home brings you each day.

My father was a chef and told me as a child, “you’re going to eat three meals every day for the rest of your life, so it’s a good idea to learn how to cook!” Now, I can’t crack an egg with one hand for the life of me, but I took to heart the lesson he was teaching me and I apply that same philosophy to real estate; if you’re going to wake up and go to bed every day in your home and spend a majority of your time within it, then it needs to be a place you feel comfortable and happy in.

My Approach

I know what it’s like to go through the stresses of school; the debt, soul-searching, post-grad contemplation, searching for job opportunities, constant assignments, those last-minute submissions followed by a massive exhale as you lay back in your chair. Then there’s starting a new career after graduation! Debt payments, potentially moving to a new city, finding a job at a company you desire, cars, taxes, friends, engagements, and yes, houses.

I know what it’s like to go through all these experiences and the stress that accompanies them. I appreciate and understand the hard work you put into school, the determination you’re pouring into your career, and how large the decision of finding a home is. I can instantly identify and understand your needs because we have gone through the same experiences, and not generations apart from each other!

I adapt to each situation; I can be warm and approachable to work with and simultaneously be firmly grounded and relentless when negotiating your side of a transaction. Your needs are my sole priority, not only because I believe in maintaining integrity with my clients, but it is also in your best interests as well as mine. When building my business, I created a saying to act as a lighthouse and maintain a focal point. Focus on your clients and the money will flow, focus on the money and your clients will go.

My Difference

The ability to zero in on an objective and relentlessly bring yourself to it is essential for success in any aspect of life, and real estate is no exception. When I set a goal, I set the bar high and develop an unquenchable thirst for achieving it.

Working hard is one of the most detrimental values of my character. I instill systems and routines that ensure I remain atop the competition in the market as well as the mirror. I use foresight and expertise in planning and am unyielding in my execution.

Real estate is one of my strongest passions in life. This allows me to have both sides of the motivational spectrum; I continuously push myself to develop myself as an agent and create the best deals possible whilst my passion pulls me towards these same objectives. This results in my stamina outlasting the competition and your experience with me remaining pleasant and exceeding expectations.

Jack Miller REALTOR®

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